The Crystal Bible
Here is a spiritual guide to the amazing powers of crystals. We have listed our all crystal bible that lists all of them out for you below:
Amethyst - A potent healing stone because it embodies the energy of the violet flame. They cleanse the negative energy from your auric field
and quiets the mind; place a cluster in any rooms in your home that need cleansing, as these radiate energy in all directions. These stones are also great for mediation because they can help you connect with your third eye and crown chakras which promotes intense spiritual growth. As a potent purifying stone, amethyst can help us to overcome addictions of all kinds, whether to substances, thought patterns, or social media.
- Ametrine - A unique, natural combination of purifying amethyst and abundant citrine. It brings together the qualities of both stones and their connections to the third eye and sacral chakras, thereby helping connect physical and spiritual planes. It helps to consider all possibilities and take inspired action on those that resonate strongly with your creativity and desire. It also helps bring some grounding to mental processes, facilitating clear thinking through of problems and thereby resolving anxieties.
Angel Aura - This is quartz that has platinum bound to its surface through chemical vapor deposition. By combining these t
wo high vibrational elements (quartz & platinum) you get a very high vibe stone that can elevate your mood with its sweet and loving energy, seal your aura from influence, and open your eyes to everyday beauty. Angel Aura aids in receiving downloads from your angel guides because of its connection to the angelic realm. Great for divination work!
- Apophyllite - This is an excellent stone for opening your third eye and connecting you with your intuition and innate psychic gifts. In particular, it can assist you with accessing past lives for deep ancestral and lineage healing. Apophyllite has a profound calming and de-stressing impact on the mind and can help us to ground and align with our truth in times of anxiety and panic. It helps us to become the bridge between the earthly and heavenly realms by enabling us to access our psychic gifts.
Aquamarine - This stone can bring peace, tranquility, and enlightenment because of its connection with the Ocean and
Moon. Also allows one to become attuned with emotions and increases spiritual awareness. These stones are great for times of high stress or anxiety not just for the owner but anyone in their vicinity as well, as they are soothing and bring the calming aspects of the water element into our lives.
- Aragonite - Stabilizing, calming, and grounding stone that helps bring you into your root chakra and feel more solidly connected to yourself and to your existence on the earth. In this way, it helps to give us the strength and fortitude to overcome times of stress or fear by giving us a base from which to work. In addition, aragonite can help us to release anger and manage our swells of intense emotions with its stabilizing influence.
- Black Kyanite - Legend says that Archangel Michael’s sword was made of a black kyanite blade, as this crystal helps to cut through negativity and dispel any evil. While I wouldn’t recommend trying to use black kyanite as a knife or sword today (as it’s a bit delicate!), this most certainly is a powerful stone for protection, warding off psychic vampires, warding yourself and your space, and for cord-cutting away any negative energetic vibrations.
- Black Moonstone - This is a calming, nurturing form of moonstone that helps us to plant our seeds for growth. The energies resonate more with the dark phases of the moon, instead of the bright full moon, thereby creating a space for inward reflection, rest, release, and exploration of inner dreams. It can be especially beneficial for those who experience out-of-body night dreamspace traveling, providing protection and shielding in the darkness of night. This crystal helps to connect to all aspects of divine femininity within and without, seeing the Goddexx within you and accessing lineages of power that have often been repressed in our society.
- Black Tourmaline - One of the most powerful stones of protection and grounding. Carry some in your pocket to prevent negative energies from impacting you day-to-day, grid it around your bed to help with peaceful sleep, place a piece just inside your door so no bad vibes can enter your home. It also can help to protect us from EMF from cell phones, TVs, etc. This is such an essential stone for the modern empath to keep our energy from being dimmed by the world around us.
- Blue Apatite - This crystal helps our minds to expand beyond this timeline to recognize the spirals of life that let us both integrate the past and connect with the future as well. We also can feel peaceful and calm when we meditate with a piece of apatite, as it helps to soothe our nervous systems. Deepens our psychic connections and our connection with our kundalini energy, as it helps us access guidance from the spirit realms, universe, source, and our own divine intuition. The teal blue color connects this crystal to the throat chakra, helping you to speak your truth and feel more comfortable in public speaking settings when worn or carried.
- Blue Chalcedony - This is an excellent stone for healing and connecting more deeply with the throat chakra. If you have difficulty speaking your mind or sharing your truth in key moments, this crystal can help you to feel more comfortable expressing what is in your heart and soul. If you sometimes speak out of turn or say words before you have had a chance to evaluate their impact, this crystal can also help you to modulate your words and be more mindful of their impact before you speak. With the support of blue chalcedony, you may be able to undertake more inner reflection work and turn your mental gaze clearly on yourself, to make peace with any contradictions you may find, and to stimulate the process of self-healing around your perception of yourself.
- Blue Kyanite - This stone is a beautiful aid to communication because of its connection with the throat chakra and its clarifying properties. Kyanite is able to provide clarity, allowing us to see truth in situations and in ourselves; in turn it opens pathways of honest connection with others. In addition, blue kyanite is excellent for written meditative practices, as it facilitates our psychic abilities and connection with past lives and the natural world. This crystal does not need to be cleansed, as it does not absorb or house outside energies.
- Blue Quartz - This is a peaceful, master-healer quartz, carrying both the properties of clear quartz (calming, cleansing) and the vibrational energy of blue. As a crystal of the throat chakra, it can help facilitate communication and understanding of others and ourselves. It is a stone, therefore, of truth, and of moving past the fears and blockages that prevent us from speaking and owning our own truths and our own realities. The light blue of this crystal is calming and peaceful, also inspiring hope within us as it attunes us to that which needs to be said and shared. By speaking and owning our truth, we can move into better understanding ourselves, and therefore at resonating at our highest frequency. Bonds of truth also better enable us to connect with others. Blue quartz can help us to bridge the gaps between ourselves and those around us, and come from a space of loving communication with compassion and withholding judgement.
Bloodstone - This protective stone helps you cope with painful situations by absorbing the pain without interfering with your awareness of it caus
ing a disconnection from you and the pain itself. It is used for grounding or centering yourself because if its connection to the root chakra, which helps reduce depression and anxiety. Also great for when you might feel apathetic, lethargic, or trapped because of its action invoking energy. If you are afraid to take your leap, bloodstone can help imbue you with the strength and fortify your heart with the courage needed to inspire you.
Carnelian - The bright orange color of this stone energizes and motivates its holders. It is said to be the embodiment of courage, endurance, and
leadership by ancient warriors. By imparting the solar and fire energy into its surroundings, it ignites passion for concepts, ideas, and sex. This stone helps you to connect into your personal reserves of power and get you fired up for whatever action you want to take. Carnelian is also used to promote prosperity and good luck, so it is perfect for new ventures! Said to be self-cleansing given its connection with the fire element.
- Celestite - The stone to forge your connection with divine or angelic beings. Its sole purpose is to summon one’s guardian angel, and by doing so it uplifts and soothes one’s soul creating the feeling of being taken care of. If you sleep with celestite by your bed, you may gain access to angelic realms via the dreamworld. If spiritual connection is something that makes you uncomfortable you may not be ready for this crystal yet, and that’s okay! This is also a beautiful crystal to put in a child’s room for its soft, soothing vibes of protection and well-being from the angels.
- Chrysocolla - An ultimate heart-stone of self-love, deep connection with emotions and self, and compassion directed at the inner child within. Lose yourself in the beautiful turquoise-blue-green swirls and meditate on your love and empathy and openness for yourself, unconditionally, no matter the trials you have gone through. Through chrysocolla, connect with love that has no buts or conditions or demands, and accept yourself fully as you are in all your glory.
Citrine - One of the few crystals that does not need to be cleansed because it naturally transmutes the negative energy it absorbs and then dispells it into the ground. This soft yellow stone also wards off jealousy and spite w
hile attracting love and happiness. Because of its connection with the solar plexus chakra it can improve gut health and combat chronic fatigue. If you are trying to manifest a new project or increase your connection with citrine, meditate with this crystal and even carry it in your wallet to help you believe in your capabilities for financial success.
- Clear Quartz - This powerful crystal is like a personal secret weapon. Quartz is a very programmable stone that is very high in transformative energy. This combination can be so beneficial to any aspect of life its user desires. When it comes to using and programming this stone use your own intuition because that is when this stone will be the most effective for you personally. It is also a wonderful crystal to use in combination with others, as it amplifies the energy of your intentions and the innate properties of other stones. Whether meditating, carried in your pocket, or in a grid, clear quartz is a powerful transmuter, activator, and expander of your desires and energies.
- Dendritic Agate - A beautiful stone for supporting our mental health and well-being. Can be particularly soothing and supportive during therapy or in many moments where you are delving deep into your shadows and traumas and exploring past mistakes and trying to rewire mental patterns, and need a crystal that will hold you gently and provide a soft bed for these difficult, triggering moments when we may want to judge ourselves. Hold dendritic agate to feel held, loved, seen, heard, and supported.
- Desert Rose - This is a goddess stone for sure! It’s actually a form of Selenite, and has been said to be a stone sacred to the goddess Isis. These beautiful flowers show what can flourish within us even in difficult situations or when there is little nourishment from outside. When we are in our own deserts in life, what can still be formed that comes from our own resources within? Where might you need to change your ways of doing things, and where does your resolve need to be strengthened?
- Epidote - This green crystal can help us to release our negative attachments and patterns, thereby fostering our acceptance of and belief in the positive aspects of life in the place of the negativity. This is a very detoxifying stone, so sometimes can be triggering if it brings up a lot of old negative emotions or thoughts, or physical pains, all at once; if that is the case, you may need to add a more calming, soothing crystal to your work with it as well (such as rose quartz, or smokey quartz) in order to mitigate the intensity of the epidote’s effects.
Fluorite - While there are many colors of fluorite available with slightly
different properties, this glassy and soft-colored crystal overall represents balance and harmony. The unique internal vibrations of this stone connect better with the human mind than any other stone which makes them great for creating and maintaining a steady balanced mindset. If you are having difficulties staying focused on an idea, if you need support while studying, if you have a major work project you need to undertake, keep fluorite on your desk to inspire and clarify your mind. Fluorite is also great for bringing your body back into balance after being ill!
- Fuchsite - When we have a tendency to give more than we let ourselves receive, fuchsite can help us to rebalance so that we gain greater self-worth, self-confidence, and begin to place and honor ourselves first. When we are in codependent relationships or are not able to stand up for ourselves due to limiting beliefs about our worth or our need to be of service to others, this crystal can help us to break these beliefs and gain greater strength to stand on our own. For those of us who feel the need to take care of others, or to prove ourselves because we fear we will never be good enough, this stone helps us to set firmer boundaries and the limits that keep us safe and protected.
Green Aventurine - Commonly known as the “Stone of Opportunity”, Green Aventurine allows people to release their previous disappointments and hardships, therefore opening them up to growth and opportunity. It
deepens our self-confidence and belief in our own abilities, enabling us to take advantage of what life sends our way. Its connection to the heart chakra is what promotes heart and lung health. The soothing energy of this stone also brings inner peace and encourages deep sleeping that allows for emotional healing.
- Green Opal - This is a purifying and cleansing crystal for the heart and emotional body. Especially when our hearts feel heavy and our emotions are in great turmoil, green opal can help to revitalize us, bringing new joy and life into our emotional worlds. This crystal can be helpful in all kinds of partnerships by enabling us to view situations through a new perspective and orient our worldview in a different way.
- Garnet - A powerful root chakra crystal found around the world in a variety of shades from orange to blood-red to a fuschia-pink. This stone was often set in engagement rings because it was believed to prevent people from straying, helping us to keep faith and remain true to our promises and commitments. The brilliant reddish hues help to energize and revitalize us, giving us the fire and motivation within to tap into our inner courage and get things done. Use garnet when you need an extra boost for your self-confidence and your fiery energies to go out and take on the world.
Hematite - This stone has a gentle vibration, giving it a very easy presence, yet the powers of this stone are intense and can be overwhelming if not used properly. Hematite works with your root chakra to purify the aura f
rom any lingering negativity involving your basic needs and protection. In this way, hematite is a powerful grounding stone that helps you to bring up the energy of the earth into your own body, enabling the wearer to feel fortified and overcome timidity. Hematite is best for people who are naturally very flighty or stuck in the clouds. To maximize its healing it should be worn close to the body.
- Herkimer Diamond - Actually a form of quartz and not a diamond, herkimer is particularly aligned with the crown chakra. It can help to awaken and strengthen our spirituality through a heightened and clearer connection with our guides and the higher realms. The clear, high-vibrational energy of herkimer can help to align all of our chakras and energy centers, thereby enabling deep healing on a soul and spirit level. If you and a loved one each carry a herkimer diamond, you will be linked and attuned to each other, even across long distances, through your emotional and spiritual connection.
Howlite - This stone is one of higher power for its ability to expand our reality. It is also known for helping to eliminate disruption in our peaceful mental state
s with its smooth, soothing energy. Because of this combination of properties, this stone is especially helpful when meditating to unlock past lives. It can help us to connect with prior lived experiences and facilitates the healing process for any ancestral baggage we may be carrying in this life. Howlite can also assist us in communicating with our spiritual guides or in undertaking deep dream-work.
- Kambaba Jasper - This amazing stone is over 3 billion years old, as it is a type of fossilized stromatolite, one of the oldest life forms in the world that helped to make our atmosphere breathable and hospitable for later life-forms. By meditating with kambaba jasper, you can be connected to the deepest, purest, most grounding essence of this Earth. In this way, this stone can help to calm our emotions and overactive minds, to connect us with the cycles, rhythms, and seasons of the natural world. In addition, by attuning us to the ancient, embodied wisdom of the billions of years of existence of the earth, it helps to remind us of our karmic purpose in incarnating here at this time, bringing stability and solidity of conviction to our actions.
Labradorite - Labradorite is a beautiful and elegant looking crystal that works wonders for your intuition. It was said to have the radiance of the Northern Lights captured within it, reminding us of wonder and our connection to the expansiveness of the universe, as the heave
ns influence life here on earth. It brings radiant and uplifting energy that opens up the third eye chakra, instilling confidence in one’s self and decisions. For this reason, Labradorite can be a wonderful stone for helping people fulfill their destinies and attune to their highest self. It should be used when doing self-work, unmasking aspirations, and setting goals.
Lapis Lazuli - Known among royalty for centuries, Lapis Lazuli is an energized stone that was worshiped for its connection to the immo
rtal self. In particular, it has been sacred to goddesses such as Isis and Inanna, powerful deities who passed through their own underworld descent processes. It cultivates connection with one’s highest self by assisting the mind in concentration and meditation. It helps remind you that we only exist in this present moment and all other times are simply the creation of ourselves. Lapis Lazuli should be used to aid meditation and during rituals aimed at increasing one’s vibration.
- Larimar - Calming, soothing ocean waves. Resonates with the higher heart chakra, which connects with the highest forms of love and of pure connection with and compassion for all beings of this world and of other realms. If you are drawn to larimar, you may be receiving encouragement from the Universe for your journey of self-healing and deep compassion for your inner child. This is a powerful crystal of truth that can help you to find clarity in your thoughts and actions, even in times of stressful change the anxiety of the unknown. Larimar is only found in the Dominican Republic.
- Lemurian - Often a variety of clear quartz, but Lemurians can be found as smokey, citrine, or other naturally colored varieties of quartz. These quartz are naturally etched with horizontal lines, like the rungs of a ladder, that are said to connect us with the ancient civilization of Lemuria. A contemporary civilization of Atlantis, Lemuria was said to be a place of heaven on earth, whose inhabitants were deeply connected to the divine mysteries and accessed great wisdom. By connecting to the knowledge of Lemuria, this crystal can help modern lightworkers on their path of soul evolution and spiritual awakening and development.
Lepidolite - Lepidolite is a rare stone commonly found within larger pieces of quartz, and contains flecks of mica. This soft pink/purple stone h
as one of the most soothing energies of any crystal, as it naturally contains lithium, which is a mood stabilizer. This stone is one of the best for calming an overactive mind or body, and bringing peace. It is perfect for when you are having a low vibe day or to assist with sleep (place a piece under your pillow).
- Malachite - A powerful heart-opening crystal for when you are ready to do the deep emotional work. But be prepared for a bit of a journey with malachite, as its energy can be pretty intense and it may force you to look directly at truths held within your heart and soul that you may have been avoiding. If you want to do emotional heart-healing with malachite but are finding it a bit too harsh, add some rose quartz to help infuse your process with more gentleness before continuing forth. It encourages us to cut outdated ties and to feel free to express our feelings as they are, without censoring our hearts.
- Moss Agate - This beautiful green and white crystal resonates strongly with nature, especially the soft, abundant, aspects of the natural world that can make us feel grounded, protected, and connected. For those who are going through childbirth or any kind of birth process (new business, writing a new book, new identity, etc.), this crystal can help to release blockages and clear the path, acting as a supportive doula for this transition and emergence process. In this way, it is also a stone of abundance, as it helps us to visualize and create the new opportunities that will manifest in the future.
Obsidian - This crystal is extremely protective in nature because of its strong connection the the root chakra. Obsidian is knowing for easing worry
specifically related to your root chakra, such as money, food, your home, by grounding us and helping us feel safe in our current manifestation. Its impenetrable shield is perfect for helping users through overwhelming situations; this can also prevent us from connecting with others around us.
Ocean Jasper - Named after its dependency on the ocean for its formation, this extremely rare crystal can only be found on the coast of Madagascar. This stone facilitat
es connection and fluidity through the entire body and all chakras making it the perfect crystal for increasing awareness and releasing blocked chakras. Ocean Jasper has a very delicate presence making it a great crystal for most locations throughout a home or office. This stone comes in a variety of colors, from the deep blue swirls of ocean waters, to bright reds and pinks of coral, to the tans of the sand; each set of colors can connect us with a slightly different aspect of the ocean’s energy.
Onyx - Thi
s is a stone of strength and support, both physical and emotional. It can help the wearer to see the path forward with clear eyes in turbulent times and continue forth, fortified by self-confidence and dedication. It has the unique property of keeping the emotional memory of its bearer, and in that way can be used to help heal old traumas and wounds, weather from this or past ones.
Orange Calcite - This is an excellent crystal to help revitalize and re-energize you when you are feeling sorrowful or depressed. By connecting with the vibrant and passionate energy of the low
er chakras, orange calcite can help to uplift your energy and aid you in seeing the brighter side of life in your times of darkness. It can help you to see creative solutions to problems and believe in your capabilities to succeed. When you feel afraid about a situation or a potential outcome, this crystal can help you to gather your courage and take the leap your soul desires.
Peacock Ore - The brilliant rainbow colors of this stone help us to combat negativity. In the way that a rainbow can only occur when there is both rain and sun outside, peacock ore helps us to see the joy and happiness
even in the darkest of times, when it feels like we are in the storms. Like the idea of following the rainbow to the pot of gold, peacock ore encourages us to look upwards, to see where our path may take us, where we may yet go, and to feel hope and encouragement for what the future can hold.
- Phantom Quartz - Refers to quartz that has one or even several smaller partially formed quartz growing within them, which looks like semi-transparent phantoms within the larger crystal. These phantoms can help you come to a deeper understanding of your multifaceted nature and your connection with other realms. Phantoms are particularly supportive in times of transition and change, as they help us see the beauty in the cycles and hold space for both our growth and contraction as we move through the liminal spaces of our portals. These are particularly healing crystals, especially when it comes to shadow work or engaging with traumas from past lives or earlier in life.
- Polychrome Jasper - This multicolored, multi-dimensional stone combines grounding and motivational energies, enabling you to take inspired action in a passionate way from a place of stability, strength, and rootedness. Each stone will have a different variety of colors, ranging from tans and turquoise to orange and violet, bringing slightly different properties of creativity and excitement. This crystal helps us when we are on a journey towards our more fulfilled life, by inspiring joy and protecting our bodies and souls.
Pyrite - Known for its ability to cause sparks when struck against steel, Pyrite is a crystal of fiery, active energy. Its connection with the
solar plexus chakra brings courage and motivation to those around it. It also has a reputation for bringing luck and abundance, making this crystal perfect for your workspace, or any environment in which you are looking to active or prosperous. Place a piece on top of a container with your loose change and place it somewhere obvious in your home to help you connect with your energy of manifestation of financial abundance.
- Rainbow Moonstone - This is the stone of the divine feminine because of its connection to the moon and its cycles. It allows its users to flow with their own feminine energy and allows them to connect with energies of the goddesses. This crystal is particularly attuned to the energy of the moon, as is especially potent at the Full Moon when our processes are illuminated and we understand how far we have come. A powerful stone for connecting with our intuition, our gut feelings, our innate inner knowledge, for increasing our belief in what we just know to be true.
- Record Keeper - This refers to any crystal that has small triangles or pyramids naturally etched on them, maybe seen on varieties of quartz in particular, along with ruby and others. The triangle is a sacred symbol that often is used to represent the elements and for our connection with the higher, sacred mysteries. By rubbing the triangles or meditating with them placed on the third eye, you can access the age-old wisdom contained within these sacred keys, which can be useful for harmonization and deep connection with your sacred spirit.
- Red Jasper - This is a deeply grounding stone that is connected to the root chakra. Sometimes when we are living with so much air energy, we become too wrapped up in our minds and lose track of our bodies and our connection to the Earth. So many ideas without stability can cause us to feel blown about. In addition, when we get too stuck in our heads, we might not be able to consider the deeper meaning of a situation or someone else’s perspective. In this way, red jasper brings us back to our manifested reality.
- Red Tiger’s Eye - Red tiger’s eye is a stone to get us into action by stimulating our motivation and propelling us forward. Feeling lethargic but know you need to get something done? Red tiger’s eye is your ally in breaking through that slowness and apathy and making things happen. Similarly, red tiger’s eye can help to stimulate a slow digestive system and increase metabolism when food feels like it’s just not moving through. And we all know that feeling when we’re too full to move or even think. This stone, with its bright red color and vibrant intensity, can also be a potent stimulant sexually, helping to propel the spark along and get us going in the bedroom as well! This crystal can also serve as a pick-me-up when you’re feeling like your energetic reserves are getting pretty low. Whether that’s because you’re fatigued from taking on too much or because an episode of depression is getting you down, a red tiger’s eye can help to lift you back up and give you a boost in energy to move forward.
- Rhodochrosite - This is a soft, sweet heart-centered stone that encourages self-love in particular. As you gaze into the pink and white swirls, you are encouraged to view your path to self-love, self-acceptance, and self-compassion as spiralic and to continue forward without judgment or censorship of your own innate internal beauty. When we are repressing our emotions and our expressions of love and joy for life, rhodochrosite helps us to remove our internal barriers to feeling and experiencing our emotions and living fully from this emotional expression.
Rhodonite - Also known at the Eagle stone, this crystal is perfect for deep emotional healing. Its connection
with the heart chakra combined with its protective properties makes it a good companion for any times of sadness, heartbreak, or grief. It can also be beneficial when trying to work through past trauma because of the soft vibration that allows people to open up and let go.
Rose Quartz - The crystal of Venus, the goddess of love, Rose Quartz is centered around love in all its forms. From romantic to self to familial and all in between, this stone will help you connect with your heart, its desir
es, and the love energies around you. It is the perfect stone to add to your self-love rituals as well as tantric exercises with a partner. In particular, rose quartz encourages us to be unconditional in our love, to not place judgements or limits on those we love in order for them to be worthy of it (including on ourselves). Brings great happiness to all who are touched by its vibrations.
- Ruby - This vibrant red crystal really needs no introduction, we know! Ruby is a powerful protector of the heart and the emotions, helping to protect us from psychic vampires and keep our empathetic hearts safe through turbulence. The brilliant hue of this crystal can inspire great motivation, passion, and vigor, which can help us to get things done but also may be a bit overwhelming if we’re low on energy or are more sensitive. This is also an excellent crystal for attracting and retaining abundance, as it facilitates you believing in your self-worth and your capabilities to attain the success and resources you desire.
Selenite - Named for the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene, this is a divine stone for connecting with your lunar goddexx energy and attuning yourself with the the cycles and energetic ebbs and flows repr
esented by the moon. This is a crystal of liquid light that can help to cut energetic cords by surrounding you with light and lunar love. With the help of selenite, you can shine your soft, gentle, lunar light on any situation to be filled with emotions of love, peace, serenity, and dreaminess.
- Septarian - Also called the Dragon Stone, this is an excellent crystal to help you tap into the powerful draconic energy of self-belief, courage, and confidence. Dragons have been believed to be master magicians and keepers of lineages of elemental knowledge, and meditating with a septarian can help you to connect with those ancient guides. If you need help with public speaking or presentations of any kind, septarian helps you to feel confident in speaking, capable of successfully translating your ideas out of your mind and into the physical world, and in control of the conversation.
Shungite - A unique purification crystal only found in one area of Russia. This is a powerful protector ag
ainst EMFs, and placing a piece on your cell phone or laptop or charging you cell phone on it at night can help to form an energetic shield around these appliances. Also can be used to purify and cleanse your drinking water, and for detoxification of both the physical and mental bodies.
Smokey Quartz - This is an amazing form of quartz for grounding us and connecting us to our roots, our stability, our foundations. Especially when everything feels like it’s a bit shaky or we don’t know what’s going to come next, we may need a bit of extra smokey quartz to help us feel secure in our knowledge that we’ve got this, that we are protected, that it will be okay.
This crystal helps you to drop in and sink deep into yourself, stretching those roots down to dig deep and get the nourishment you need from the Earth. Any time you are feeling overwhelmed, I’d really recommend grabbing a piece of smokey quartz to hold on to and help bring you back into yourself and grounded to the realities of the earth. This is a crystal to help us with trust, releasing toxic emotions, with creating our own sense of safety and security by ensuring that we are protected.
Sodalite - This deep blue crystal is an excellent mental harmonizer, helping you to tap into both your intuition and your intellect at the same time. If your mind feels scattered, if anxieties are overwhelming your mental capabilities, if it’s hard for you to concentrate on any one task because your mind is springing in so many different directions at once, sodalite will help you to bring your thoughts into order.
Especially if your mind is filled with limiting thoughts about your capabilities, your trust in yourself, or thoughts that you are not good enough, sodalite helps you to break through these old mental tracks and set new patterns of self-acceptance. This is also a deeply spiritual crystal, connecting our thoughts with higher realms and opening our third eye to help us connect to our subconscious.
- Spirit Quartz - As the name implies, this is very spiritual form quartz that connects us to the crown chakra and chakras of higher awareness and ascension. The smaller points radiate energy off in all directions, while the main, central point concentrates energy and help sit to grow and flourish. This quartz helps to deepen our spiritual awareness, our connection with our highest self, the universe, and our guides, aligning us to our highest purpose and reason for incarnation here on this earth plane. With the aid of spirit quartz, we can engage in deep healing of karmic patterns, travel to other dimensions, access Akashic records, and journey into our past lives.
- Stilbite - A peaceful, calming, sweet crystal that connects us to soft wisdom and can hold us in dark, difficult times. Often found with Apophyllite, this crystal is perfect for when we are dealing with stress and anxiety or are feeling overwhelmed by the world and the situations we are facing. In addition, it can help our creativity as we continue on our journeys through life, integrating the ideas and lessons from our path and our travels in this realm and other higher planes of existence. We can feel guided and cultivate a deeper connection with our intuition when we connect with stilbite.
Strawberry Quartz - This is a joyful, playful, happy form of quartz to connect you with your inner child and help you see the fun and enjoyment and
play in your everyday life. It is a wonderful crystal to help inspire love in a space, as it floods the room with harmony, joy, delight, and feelings of soul connection. By connecting you to your pure inner joy, it helps you to move past any restrictions or limits that you have accepted or were placed on you, bringing you back into the true essence of your soul’s delightful relationship with the world.
Sunstone - Bring some of the vibrancy and light and soul love of the Sun into your life with this beautiful stone. When you are feeling deple
ted and need replenishment, sunstone can help you reconnect with your internal sun, your fire inside that fills you with light, life, joy, and creative expression. This stone can resonate with both the sacral and the heart centers; as a sacral stone, it encourages creative expression and vitality of thought and action, of not dimming your light or hiding the essence of who you are. As a heart stone, it encourages living fully from your center, from your innate joy, from the courage to be that comes from the center of your personal solar system.
- Tangerine Quartz - A beautiful, inspirational form of quartz to heal and energize your sacral chakra. If you are feeling like you’re missing your spark, your creative motivation, your joy, then tangerine quartz may be the perfect crystal to help you. The vibrant orange shade of this form of quartz (formed by hematite) helps to get your creative juices flowing, encourages you to dance and express your joy, connects you to all the life and happiness and vibrancy that lives in your sacral chakra region. When you need extra inspiration to tap into your inner spark, or your sexy, passionate nature, tangerine quartz may be calling you.
- Tanzanite - This violet crystal is perfect for all your spiritual, mystical work. It helps us to connect with guides, spirit, angels, the universe, all higher realms of consciousness. This crystal serves as our bridge across the veil and brings us wisdom and insight from other realms and the collective knowledge. This is an excellent crystal for meditation because it helps us to settle in and become one with the universe.
Tiger’s Eye - A stone of protection, aptly named for the brown-and-bronze banding that can remind us of the striped patterns of tigers moving through the dappled shadows of the jungle. Tiger’s eye was said to be worn by Roman soldiers for protection during the battle and was also used as a talisman against curses and evil wishes.
For these reasons, it can help shield us from negative energies and ground us into the vibrational frequencies of the earth, also enabling us to draw up the power embedded within the solid foundations of this planet. At the same time, the golden hues of tiger’s eye and its ability to catch the light can also remind us of the sun, bringing this light energy down to earth and enabling us to integrate this into our bodies.
- Titanium Aura - This is a form of clear quartz that has been bonded in a laboratory with titanium and gold, giving it an iridescent sheen and rainbows over a darker base. The alchemy of the interaction between the quartz, gold, and titanium gives this form of aura quartz a strong vibration for cleansing, breaking free of limitations, and healing old and outdated self-beliefs that may prevent growth. This is an intensely karmic crystal that helps us to achieve our highest potential by viewing our life as a continual process of transmutation, using the old to create the new.
- Tourmalinated Quartz - This is a powerfully amplified crystal of protection in a strong, no-nonsense way. Spears of black tourmaline float in the expansive energy of clear quartz, bringing together the grounded energy of tourmaline and the activation energy of clear quartz. Together, these crystals can help you to transmute your negative beliefs into positive ones, making it a powerful support when undergoing shadow work and healing of old wounds.
- Tree Agate - This is an excellent crystal for connecting ourselves to the magic and the wisdom of the Earth, particularly with the wisdom of the trees who can show us when to stand strong, when to bend in the wind, how to stretch ourselves always towards the sunlight, and how to delve our roots deep enough to crack through even the toughest stone. This stone is deeply connected to the element of earth, which represents the material plane, the physical, all that it means to be embodied in physical bodies here on this planet. Tree agate is a powerful stone for bringing abundance into your life. It facilitates seeing opportunities and gaining the motivation to overcome every challenge that may come in your way.
- Turquoise - Said to be most lucky and powerful if it is gifted to you, turquoise connects us to our heart and the space between the heart and throat chakras and how speaking our truth is an act of pure love. Long used as a protective stone, it helps to clear all chakras and purify thoughts and actions. Connect with turquoise when you are feeling lost or unsure of your path, as this crystal will help you to determine your pathway forward and connect your mind, heart, and soul.
- White Onyx - This is a spiritual stone that helps to connect us more deeply to our minds and strengthen our mental prowess. These are very important characteristics for those with strong Air element energy in their charts, or when we are feeling intense activation of our minds and thoughts. If you’re finding it a bit hard to have confidence in your mind and thoughts, white onyx will help you to overcome that stress and stay focused on your goals. It can help support you in staying true to yourself, even when you feel down or tired, by giving you an extra energetic spark for your potential.
- Yellow (Golden, Pineapple) Calcite - This variety of calcite is a brighter, happier yellow than orange or honey calcite, helping it to resonate with the solar plexus chakra. This is the site in our bodies for connection with our will, our drive, and our egoic essence that makes us who we are and inspires us to take actions in life. It helps to stimulate both the mind and the will, enabling us to take inspired action on the things that matter most to us. In particular, by placing yellow calcite on the solar plexus chakra, you can help to stimulate a renewed sense of optimism and hope for the future, even when all has seemed impossible.
- Zebra Jasper - This crystal is renowned for its ability to help the wearer achieve its goals by inspiring motivation and focus. It can help us to become unstuck when we’re a little too prone to sit on the couch and relax instead of getting our butts into gear to get what needs done, done! No more apathy when zebra jasper is around; this makes it a powerful stone to help with times of depression, when we may need a little extra support to be able to engage with activities of life. When there is something blocking our way forward, zebra jasper can help us to problem-solve and overcome the issue or situation, thereby moving forward with new vigor and strength. In this way, zebra jasper can help us to see into the depths of a situation and go past masks or initial impressions or assumptions.