"I've had my cards read by a few different people. Not everyone has the gift as they say...or maybe haven't figured out how to work it yet. A few minutes in and she was speaking all my thoughts as if she was in my mind. Talking about my surroundings as if she lived with me herself. Samantha, of Chasin' Unicorns, clarified so much for me that was way needed at this point of time in my life. The best part of it all was that she is willing to keep future contact with you even if it's a simple question you may have. Sam, you are using your gift to help others and although I was nervous and doing my best not to sound like a Justin Bieber fan over the phone, I want to thank you a million times _٪ even though that may not even come close to thanking you for what you do." - Ali, Session Testimonial
A quick 10-minute video, I highly recommend watching for those interested to learn just exactly what are “Tarot” cards and what exactly Card readers do.
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